The sixth biennial Francis Bacon Conference, entitled "General Relativity at One Hundred," was occasioned by the centennial of Einstein's general theory of relativity. The collaboration among physicists, historians, and philosophers explored topics ranging from the early history of general relativity to ongoing experimental projects, including gravitational wave detection and precision tests, and various fronts of theoretical research.
The conference was organized by Caltech's Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, and the Burke Institute, in collaboration with the Huntington's Research Division. The conference was made possible by the generous financial support of the Francis Bacon Foundation, together with the fund at the Burke Institute.
General Relativity at One Hundred
6th Bacon Award Public Lecture
March 10-12, 2016
The Huntington Library
Bacon Award Public Lecture, March 10 at Caltech
Kip Thorne, Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
Barry Barish, Ronald and Maxine Linde Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
Alessandra Buonanno, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
PDF Slides
Kip Thorne, Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
"100 Years of Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes and Gravitational Waves" PDF slides
Barry Barish, Ronald and Maxine Linde Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
"The Quest for Gravitational Waves" PDF files
Jamie Bock, Professor of Physics, Caltech; Jet Propulsion Laboratory Senior Research Scientist,
"Searching for a Cosmological Background of Gravitational Waves" PDF sides
Harry Collins, Professor, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
"The Search for Gravitational Waves: Sociological and Philosophical Investigations" PDF slides
Don Howard, Reilly Fellow, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, University of Notre Dame
"How General Relativity Shaped Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science" PDF slides
Daniel Kennefick, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Arkansas
"History of Gravitational Wave Emission" PDF slides
Diana Kormos-Buchwald, Professor of History, Caltech
"Einstein & Caltech"
John Preskill, Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Caltech
"Quantum Information and Spacetime" PDF slides
John H. Schwarz, Harold Brown Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
"Unifying GR with Quantum Theory" PDF slides
Clifford Will, Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Florida
"Was Einstein Right? A Centennial Assessment" PDF slides