Bock, Caltech: Reflections on BICEP2
Doré, Caltech/JPL: Planck, Inflation and ... BICEP2
Filippini, Caltech: Listening for the Echoes of Inflation with BICEP2
Hu, Chicago: Creative Tension between the Early and Late Universe
Jeong, Penn State: Signatures of Primordial Gravitational Waves in Large-Scale Structure
Kamionkowski, Johns Hopkins: B-Mode Grab Bag
Linde, Stanford: Inflation in Supergravity
McAllister, Cornell: Ultraviolet Completions of Large-Field Inflation
Senatore, Stanford: Some Theoretical Aspects of B-Modes and Inflation
Silverstein, Stanford: The Powers of Monodromy and the Range of r in String Theory
Zaldarriaga, IAS: BICEP2 Results: A View from the Outside
Session 1: Ooguri, Soifer, Filippini
Session 2: Zaldarriaga
Session 3: Hu, Jeong
Session 4: Kamionkowski
Session 5: Doré, Linde
Session 6: Siverstein
Session 7: McAllister
Session 8: Senatore, Bock