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IQI Weekly Seminar

Thursday, August 1, 2019
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Annenberg 213
Locality estimates for complex-time evolution in 1D
Antonio Perez, Postdoctoral Scholar, ICMAT,

Abstract: For one dimensional quantum spin systems with nite-range interactions, Araki

(1969) proved that the in nite volume time-evolution of a local observable is

analytic on the complex plane and satis es a locality property in the spirit of

Lieb-Robinson bounds. We discuss an extension of this result to a more general

class of interactions (e.g., with exponential decay) and its application to the

spectral gap problem for parent Hamiltonian of PEPS and to the study of the

exponential clustering property for thermal states.

For more information, please contact Bonnie Leung by email at