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High Energy Physics Seminar

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Friday, December 15, 2023
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Online and In-Person Event
State-of-the art R&D on optical photon detection at Fermilab
Alexander Kish, Fermilab,

special date

Fermilab is home to the Noble Liquid Test Facility (NLTF), located in the proton assembly building (PAB), one of the largest and capable noble liquid test facilities in the world with a long history.

After a brief introduction into NLTF, the seminar will focus on the ongoing and proved to be successful R&D into optical photon detection at FNAL. Several technologies will be discussed in great details. These

include novel technologies able to achieve high photon detection efficiency together at ultra-low power consumption suitable for a wide variety of applications, including and not limited to: single photon detection, at high-energy physics experiments, space missions, microscopy, random number generators and signal/image encryption,

free-space-data and quantum communication etc.

The talk is in 469 Lauritsen.

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